Your special sauce is shaking things up. Your adventurous soul is willing to suspend fear and move forward ruthlessly toward your goals. 

You trudge toward your dream life regardless of obstacles or what others say or think. 

This is how empires are made. 

You’re on your way to bringing your bold vision fully into the limelight. 

Go you! You started from scratch with a pile of ingredients and you’ve gone on to create a four-course -meal that people happily shell out their hard earned dollars for. 

Comparisonitis hits you hard because you’re at a place where people are actually seeing your stuff. You’re not just invisible anymore and this new level comes with its own set of challenges. 

You embrace it but that inner-most voice rises above the critic in your mind and so you continue to put one foot in front of the other taking imperfect action.

HOLD UP: Does this sound like you? If you’re like noooo way Jenna, then                   and check out the other results. These quiz things aren’t crystal balls so forgive me if you’ve landed on the wrong planet. Check out the other special sauces right here. 

Okay Empire Maker, you’re likely dealing with a whole bevy of hurdles— from perfectionism, work-a-holic tendencies, and rollercoaster cash flow, to fear of being vulnerable, judged, or trolled (ugh, I feel your pain). 

From the outside looking in, you’re living the dream! You’ve accomplished so much. People think your success is based on some alchemical miracle, but you know the truth— you worked hard to get to where you are. 

From the outside looking in, you’ve got it all goin’ on. What people don’t see is that you’re still dealing with fear, imposter syndrome, and lack of confidence. 

HOLD UP: Does this sound like you? If you’re like noooo way Jenna, then                                   and check out the other results. These quiz things aren’t crystal balls so forgive me if you’ve landed on the wrong planet. Check out the other special sauces right here. 

Okay Empire Maker, you’re likely dealing with a whole bevy of hurdles— from perfectionism, work-a-holic tendencies, and rollercoaster cash flow, to fear of being vulnerable, judged, or trolled (ugh, I feel your pain). 

From the outside looking in, you’re living the dream! You’ve accomplished so much. People think your success is based on some alchemical miracle, but you know the truth— you worked hard to get to where you are. 

From the outside looking in, you’ve got it all goin’ on. What people don’t see is that you’re still dealing with fear, imposter syndrome, and lack of confidence. 

Find out more about Empire makers Below

You'RE A Mover, Shaker, Empire Maker


Before we go any further, let me introduce myself...I’m a digital marketing expert, self-education mastermind, data-obsessed algorithm avenger, detail-loving self-care activist, stubborn-as-heck achiever, small town puppy parent, and a mac-and-cheese-eating mama.

I turned a $300 Craigslist camera into a 7-figure empire using marketing strategies that I now get to share with the world... and spoiler: I don't believe in secrets, I believe in showing up!  

my best Resources for empire makers

I'm Jenna Kutcher

Today, I teach brave women like you
how to do the same. 

Loyal, happy, obsessed followers turned clients, who happily invest in your business?

An audience that is anxiously awaiting every post, every announcement, and every offering?

Sales driven through authentic, intentional posts that take the scammy salesman pitch and turn it on its head.

Creating a voice so recognizable, people will be able to spot your words and work from a mile away.

Can you imagine...


Are you ready?

When You Know How to Fly,
Nothing Can Stop You 

Wanna know more about Empire Makers?  

I want to tell you a story about a tired little bird, let’s name her Beatrice. Beatrice stopped to rest on a branch. It was cozy and safe, she really enjoyed the view. 

Just as Bea was getting used to the support of the branch, a strong wind started blowing. The branch was about to crack, but the little bird wasn’t afraid because she knew two things to be true … 

Even without the branch, she had the power of her wings. Her ability to fly would always keep her safe. 

There’s no shortage of other branches to rest on. 

Be like Beatrice. Know that no matter what happens, you can fly. Don’t let perfectionism or comparisonitis hold you back. 

Next Steps: It’s not like you get to a certain point in business and life’s a Hawaii beach all of a sudden (at least not all the time). Nope, if that were the case, we’d see a loooot more entrepreneurs stickin’ it out. 

A next level reality requires next level actions. 

So how do you create staying power? How do you make sure that your business continues to grow sustainably? These are the ingredients that will take your four-course -meal from small town diner to Michelin star restaurant… 

Mastering your workflow. Time is now your most important currency. Take control of your time. Focus on your zone of genius. Don’t be afraid to take a step back— you’re the one that’s responsible for the big picture so don’t get too caught up in the little things. 

Creating systems that do the hard stuff for you. Mhmm, it’s funnel time babe. Build a passive income machine and you’ll have more time to focus on creating new offerings and just enjoying your life. 

Delegating and building your dream team. Graduate from solopreneur as soon as you can. Business is easier when you’ve got a team that’s aligned with your vision and helping you grow. 

Lock eyes with your challenges and setbacks, never let them hold you back from your big vision. 

goal digger

You Could Make $1000 in One Month by Doing THIS

Goal Digger Podcast Episodes Curated for You


The Life-changing Power of Finding Your Not-To-Do List


The Mechanics, Mistakes, & Money Behind My First Launch


Stop Trading Time for Money Today


binge listens

The Importance of Narrowing Down Your Niche


The Empire Maker's Must-Listen Podcast Episodes 

There’s no shortage of resources for you, friend. This should get you started, but trust me when I say this is just a taste. I’m constantly creating juicy new material for you to learn from.


Be on the lookout for a special email from yours truly with even more juicy ideas that’ll make your special sauce world famous. 






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